The Show Off (1926)

In Philadelphia, flashy dresser Aubrey shows up for work at the Pennsylvania Railroad office, late. He's a big show-off for a $30-a-week clerk. He buys a ticket for the office car raffle. In the park he proposes to Amy telling her he's a department head with a staff of 30. That night at Amy's, Aubrey gets a free meal. Amy's parents get the truth about Aubrey from Clara, Joe's girl. Their son Joe has just invented a new type of rust-proofing paint but can't sell it. Pop gives Joe $1000, the mortgage money for the house, to develop the invention... Aubrey, now Amy's husband, wins the raffle but wrecks the car, almost running over a policeman. His court fine is $1000. Joe pays it with the mortgage money. A man from the bank comes to foreclose on the property... -





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